
Selected Publications:

Azari, Nickel et al.: Neural correlates of religious experience; Eur J Neurosc 2001, 13, 1649-165 PubMed

Nickel et al.: Gender specific differences of hypometabolism in mTLE; Epilepsia 2003, 44(12), 1551-1561 PubMed

Nickel et Seitz: Functional Clusters in the Human Parietal Cortex as Revealed by an Observer-Independend Meta-Analysis of Functional Activation Studies; Anat & Embryol 2005, 210, 463-472 PubMed

Functional clusters in the human parietal cortex as revealed by an observer-independend meta-analysis of functional activation studies (2nd Vogt-Brodmann Symposium 2004, Jülich, Poster P32)

Secondary, fully compensatory bilateral representation of speech in a right-handed female with a left fronto-temporal tumour (HBM 2004, Budapest, Poster No. MO141) jpg

Präoperative, multimodale Bildgebung bei Patienten mit hirneigenen Tumoren  (DGN 2004, Düsseldorf, Poster P471)  jpg

Pre-surgical activation and cortical stimulation mapping of language function (HBM 2005, Toronto, Poster 994 W-PM) jpg

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